Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chosen But Free

Norman Geisler’s book Chosen But Free was one that clearly addresses both the Calvinistic and Arminian views, and in the end combines them through Scripture to give a view of moderate-Calvinism. In summary, the book gives proof through Scripture of the power and foreknowledge of God Himself as well as the individual’s personal decision to either accept or reject Him. The thing that really made me enjoy the book is the overwhelming use of Scripture that Geisler used. Unlike other books and writers that use Scripture to back up their words, Geisler has Scripture as the main arguments and fills in with his own personal thoughts. I personally have struggled with the questions of predestination and whether or not all men have the choice to accept the gift of eternal life and security. This book summarizes exactly what I have found through my search of the Scriptures: that neither view is absolutely correct but rather a mix of the two. God is omniscient and we can never fully know the answers to all of the questions we have concerning eternal security, but this is the beauty of being a child of Christ!
                There were so many things that really stuck out to me when reading Geisler’s book but a main point that he shared was the question” was John Calvin a Calvinist?”. Many people assume that Calvin himself believed in all of the five points of TULIP, being an extreme Calvinist, but surprisingly he was not. He believed that Christ died for the sins of the whole world, something that Calvinists argue against (200). Because I had learned of this before reading the book it did not surprise me as much as it had the first time. This is a big point though, it shows those who look up to Calvin for his views that he himself did not even believe them all.
                Chapter three really stuck out to me as Geisler discussed the power of God. The passages Psalms 147:5 which says “Great is our Lord and mighty in power, His understanding is infinite” and Isaiah 46:10 that says “God knows the end from the beginning” really give evidence that He indeed knows us completely. God is sovereign and therefore in control of everything including the angels, satan, and human decisions. He contrasts this with chapter four which discusses how we ourselves have the desire and choice to sin. Although this seems pretty confusing when first looked at, Geisler explains clearly through Scripture and many examples that we as humans do have a choice. On page 41 the quote “there is no responsibility where there is no ability to respond” stuck out to me. The descriptions clearly show that we as humans have the ability to respond and if we did not God would be irrational, which He is not. God is all knowing and powerful but He does not make us do anything. If this was the case we all would be robots loving Him because He makes us, not because we want to. Do you love your family because they make you, or because you want to? This is the same point Geisler makes through these chapters.
                Overall, I loved the book and agree with Geisler’s view. I have already told friends about the book because it is full of Scripture as well as clearly giving evidence for both a Calvinist and Arminian outlook and combining them to a view that agrees with Scripture and does not misinterpret it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Issues in the Church

There are a wide variety of issues in the church that people disagree with including styles of worship, those who are allowed to serve in church, and rules for those belonging to the church. Amongst all of these I believe divorce has been the most highly debated topic amongst believers in the church. The questions “is divorce right?” and “can a pastor be divorced?” have flooded the church and began arguments among believers that have strained and even ended friendships. I have studied on this topic of divorce and have come to the conclusion that the Bible is the final authority on all areas and what the Bible says about divorce is what I believe. The clearest Scripture I have found dealing with the topic of divorce is taken from Matthew 19:3-9, which says:
  “Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, ‘Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?’  ‘Haven't you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?  So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.’  ‘Why then,’ they asked, ‘did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?’ Jesus replied, ‘Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.  I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery’. “
This verse along with several others clearly states that divorce except in the issue of marital unfaithfulness is wrong and against God and His plan. If someone divorces his husband for any other reason and gets re-married, he is committing adultery according to the Word of God. Marriage is something to be taken extremely seriously. Marriage is a covenant before our Creator to be with that person through the good and the bad. Marriage is something that is not done on a whim but considered highly through prayer and the wisdom of those you respect. I know that for me, marriage is a big deal and a commitment I will make to keep for the rest of my life.
In the end, we as Christians have to live by God’s standard, the Bible. Although some of the issues debated in the church are grey and not clearly right or wrong it is our job to decide if they are right or wrong for us personally. The Word of God is the final authority. I encourage you to seek it out for yourself and see what God says about the issues you may be struggling with! J

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Story

Well here it story.
I grew up in the north, very close with my family. Because of my dad's job, we moved around alot, so I continually had to make new friends whether I liked it or not. I was pretty outgoing as a kid, always speaking my mind and being the leader in my group of friends. I was raised going to church and looked forward to it every Sunday. Learning about Bible stories and having snack time with my friends was awesome and even though I didn't understand all the stories I still loved it.
One day, in my kindergarten class, my teacher pulled a story from the Bible that I had heard before but not TRULY heard until that day. It was about Jesus, a guy who is the Son of God and who is perfect. My teacher explained what sin was, and I realized that indeed I was a sinner and not even close to perfect as this man Jesus. The story went on to tell how this guy died on a cross and was tortured and killed for the sins of the world, including mine. I was so saddened to hear this story and it brought me to tears. This was not the end of the story though, my teacher went on to explain how the death of this man, the Son of God gave every person a choice to choose to live forever with Him and His daddy, God in heaven on the day I leave this earth, in a place called heaven. I immediately wanted to see this man one day in heaven and stood up. This was the day that my life changed.
After this decision I made to give my life completely to the work of God and His plan for me, I went out to my neighborhood and shared the story of Jesus with all of my friends. One of my friends joined with me to follow Jesus that day! I was so excited!
As I grew, my family continued to move and I had to keep making friends throughout each of them. It was easy to trust Jesus plan for my life at first but the more I moved the more I doubted.
During my 6th grade year we moved to Wisconsin and got involved in a church that I absolutely loved! I started going to youth group, meeting incredible friends, leading a Bible study, and playing worship for our Wednesday night breakout group. I felt like my life was going amazing until the day my dad told our family we were once again moving....
This news broke me and I fell to the lowest I had ever been. I had finally become comfortable and was growing so much at our church and I felt like my life was ending. I ultimately doubted God's plan for my life and struggled with extreme depression while even contemplating one knew how I was feeling except for God....
We moved and once again I had to start over. It was hard and I was not in any way joyful or happy. That summer my parents enrolled me in a Christian summer camp in Michigan, Lake Ann. I do not know exactly what night it was but God spoke to me through the speaker Ken. The message was on God and the struggles we all go through in life. After the message I was so completely broken, so sorry for ever doubting God's plan and contemplating taking my life. I realized that God indeed had a reason I was moving so much and the struggles He placed in my life were there to strengthen my faith in Him.
I went home that summer and jumped into the youth group at our new church. I began discipling girls, leading worship, and building relationships with amazing people. Today, those people are my closest friends and I can honestly say that it was the best move we ever made!
I graduated highschool with my life dedicated to the work of the Lord and I continually trust in Him. Honestly, every day is not a walk in the park and certain situations tempt me to question God and His plan, but seeing the blessings that have occurred in my life help me see that there is a reason for everything! And God is in control!
He loves you and I encourage you to trust Him, He is the only thing that can bring true life and true joy!:)